Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Hillyards Take Family Pictures

If you know my husband very well, you would know that he is very thoughtful. He cares mainly about his family. I think that’s why I was so drawn to him. Family has always been very important to me. When we got married September 2012 (OMG) DRH suggested for every LDS general conference we take a family photo. A tradition was born!

April 2013, 5 Month pregnant with Emma

October 2013, Emma was 3 months old

April 2014, Emma was 8 months old

 I love the idea of documenting our family as it grows older! 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

True Love

I finally understood what true love meant.  Love meant that you care for another person’s happiness more than your own.   No matter how painful the choices you make might be.
Nicholas Sparks, Dear John

Monday, April 23, 2012

We are Engaged!

4/21/12 was the happiest days of my life! Why? DRH proposed and soon I will be lucky enough to have the Hillyard name. When I called my dad and told him the news, he stressed the importance of making each other feel special, every single day. 

David, I want to make you feel special every minute of everyday. The best kind of love awakens the soul and makes us reach for something better than who we are. I continually want to become more like you. I find myself trying to imitate your patience, gentleness, sincerity, genuine heart and giving soul. I fall in love with your smile everyday. Somehow you have made me feel like the luckiest girl alive!

As your future Mrs. David Hillyard, I promise to be completely in love with you like how I do now. I promise that when we are so old we will have so much fun (just like G and G). I promise to constantly make you feel special! I promise to never forget the importance of reading scriptures together, holding hands on drives, saying thank you, love notes, extra long glances and giant bear hugs! With every "yes" we share, I promise to respect you and care for you not only as my husband but as my best friend and partner for the eternities.